How to Master your Emotions in 3 Steps

Have a new sense of freedom and peace!

Did you know that EQ – emotional intelligence is known to be more important than IQ? There have been many studies that show IQ only accounts for about 20% of success.

The ability to be aware of, control, regulate, express your feelings and have empathy for others, are all forms of emotional intelligence.

When people are not able to manage their emotions they either react to situations or they avoid their emotions and suppress them.  People use various ways to avoid and distract themselves from their feelings such as getting busy, working more, using substances like alcohol or eating and other behaviours. This can lead to addictions, depression and anxiety.

Mastering your emotions results in:

  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • Connecting with yourself and others
  • Improved relationships and social life
  • Ability to make effective decisions and solve problems
  • Increased self- confidence

This is why I have created the Art formula to Master your Emotions in 3 simple steps

  • First step – Awareness
  • Second step – Recognise
  • Third step – Transformation

  1. Awareness – Become aware of thoughts, feelings and physiology, as thoughts affect your feelings and feelings affect your body.
  2. Recognise – Accept and acknowledge emotions and learn to identify feelings and their messages. Recognise distorted thinking patterns and beliefs, contributing to emotional reactions.
  3. Transformation – Activate healing energy, by ceasing resistance and allowing the self to have a direct experience of emotions, until the energy is dissolved. Learn strategies to deal with emotions effectively. Release and let go of past negative emotions, deep in your unconscious, using the latest cutting edge techniques.

Happy Client

Raelene attended sessions feeling depressed, unmotivated and was emotionally eating.

I attended sessions with Rose and the first step was completing a task to become aware of my thoughts and feelings. I realised I was shoving down my emotions with food. We worked with my unconscious mind to let go of past negative emotions and limiting beliefs. I learnt about distorted thinking, feelings and their messages. I now have the tools and strategies to manage stress, my emotions and have improved my overall health wellbeing.  I also feel more connected to myself, in control, motivated, happy and free without the need to emotionally eat any more.   

Mastering your emotions is like art. It involves connecting with your deep inner self, utilizing tools and techniques and having the freedom to express your- self. With practise you become skilled at creating your work of art.

Begin your journey to Master your Emotions and create peace and happiness in your life. Contact me now for a complimentary 20 minute phone consultation. “Gaining Clarity Session” I look forward to hearing from you. Rose